Friday, August 28, 2009

35 weeks today!

I am officially 35 weeks today! I went to the doctor yesterday for a weekly check-up! Yep, I go every week now to the very end. Time has flown by.
I have gained my 2 lbs. back, so I'm back up to 16 lbs. total so far. Not bad. Doctor said Maddox is growing and his heartbeat in the 140's. There was not much else he mentioned.
I am not allowed to bowl in our bowling league, so that kinda stinks, but it's good for me and him I suppose.
My next visit is going to be on Tuesday, 9/1/09, and they will begin the internal exams to see if I'm progressing at all yet.
Other than that, contractions are really dwindling and my back's just starting to hurt and I'm getting very uncomfortable. Feel like I might get more sleep when he's here between my sleeping positions aren't comfortable and getting up to pee through the night, I am anxious to have him out of my belly!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers! Time is quickly approaching!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Some more pain!

Yesterday I was having some serious pains in my left side. I was in tears (takes a lot to make me cry from pain). They were stabbing pains. I have started having constant lower back pain as well as the normal pelvis pains I have been experiencing.
It hurt me so bad I called the doctor on call. I just don't remember having so much pain with Carson at all and I was so much bigger with him!
The doctor told me if the side pains (contractions) keep up more than 6x per hour for a couple hours, then I needed to go to the ER last night. I noticed 4 the first hour and 3 the 2nd hour. Didn't ever get 6, so I never went in.
He did tell me if my pains in my pelvis and back continue today I could go into the doctor's office and they would check me.
Weird part of the side pains were it happened most when I was laying down. I was much better when I was up and moving around. Strange I know!
So, I woke up with some pelvis pains this morning, but other than that, same old thing. No sharp side pains, thank goodness.
I will keep you all updated on what the next week has in store. My next visit is next week on the 28th. Let's hope I don't have to visit the doctor anytime before then!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Doctor Visit

I am officially 33 weeks tomorrow! I have 7 more weeks to go (full term).
Doctor checked Maddox's heartbeat and it's great! She measured me and said he's even growing!
Should be gaining about 1 lb./week right now and have lost 2 lbs. in the last 2 weeks.
We all know I don't diet, and certainly not when I'm pregnant, so I was a bit concerned with this. As this puts me down to only gaining 14 lbs. to this point.......weird.
This pregnancy is totally different than Carson. I gained 50 lbs. with him and seemed every week I went in I gained 5 lbs, 7 lbs., etc. never lost anything!
I am not even really swelling too bad. My feet are getting a little swollen, but this time with Carson I was not able to wear any rings or any of my shoes.
They are right when they say every pregnancy is different. Just didn't think it would be this much different!
Everything is great though.
My "pains" are coming and going still. I notice them more when I'm walking a lot or standing a while, but other than that, I'm dealing with it and sucking it up.
Just making me stronger for the real deal I suppose!
Check back for some frequent updates!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Feeling much better!

I must say Maddox must have changed positions on me for the best! I haven't noticed many pains at all and when I do, they are not near as severe as they were last week.
I have been taking it easy as much as possible. Garrett's been helping out a whole lot with everything. Carson will let him hold him instead of me for the most part (which is a nice change).
I am doing what doc said and taking it easy. It's sure paying off. I am feeling much better.
I have my appt. on Thursday so I will keep you all updated on progress!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

32 weeks and contractions!!

So, the uncomfortable feel I have been feeling the last couple days has turned into painful and uncomfortable!
I called the doctors office yesterday as the pains are not timed, but are frequent when I stand or move around. They hurt pretty bad too.
They wanted me to get in right away. I had 40 minutes to get all the way to 5 mile from West Chester.....needless to say I was FLYING!!!!
I saw Dr. Fesenmeier who checked my fluids and did an internal exam.
My fluids were fine. I'm not leaking any amniotic fluid. I am not dilated nor thinned out, so he's not ready to come out yet; however, I am having contractions, which is what all this pain is.
He asked me what I do for a job and thank goodness I just sit at a desk or I might have to be limited on what I do.
I just have to take it easy when I'm out and at home. Just can't believe I have 8 more weeks of pains like this.
It is in fact contractions and the baby moving further down to get into position!
Let's pray I don't go super early!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting uncomfortable!

I had to make my very first phone call to my 24 hour nurses on Monday, August 4 this week! I am carrying Maddox VERY low and I feel like he's going to come out....he's really that low!
I am having some pains in my lower belly. They started out just being uncomfortable, but now are very painful. I get them about 10x or so a day. Nothing regular though.
The nurses said it could either be him moving or braxton hicks. I had all back labor with Carson, so if this is contractions, I haven't felt them like this before. It seems worse than back labor to me, but I didn't even feel anything with Carson until we went to the hospital and I went into labor.
2 more months of this might like to kill me!
Carson is beginning to understand more about Maddox. He gets the pumpkin seat and says "that's baby brother's seat" and he says "I carry him", he has said "I spank his butt" too, but we're trying to ignore when he does that.
He's very helpful around the house, so we can only hope he stays this way when Maddox arrives.
Everything is going well other than these pains. All this time with nothing to report and I finally have something going on!