Friday, September 17, 2010

Maddox's 1 year check up

Mr. Maddox had his check up for 1 year. He's getting very big!! He's 30 inches long and is 23 3/4 lbs. He's just above average for his weight and between 50-75% for his height. He has a double ear infection. Great huh? We thought we just got through with the left ear infection a week ago. Sometimes I wish they would just put tubes in this baby. Feel like he's always getting medicine for these ear infections. Poor baby hasn't slept well in months seems like.
He checked out very well. He's walking all over the place and he's talking a whole lot. He says, "baba, bub bub(Carson), dada, mama, aunt bev" He likes to just hear his voice.
Carson is doing well too. He's a typical mouthy 3 year old. He will tell you how he wants everything and it BETTER be done his way. He's a lot of work right now. Haha.
Everything is going well here. We are so ready for the fall to go to some pumpkin festivals and partake in some of the activities.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh my......

The amoxicillin didn't work on Carson, so on day 8, they put him on zithromax. THis morning would have been day 3 on this medicine. Carson started yesterday with what I thought was some small bug bites on his legs/arms.
THis morning when he got up, he had a full out rash/bumps all over his entire body. He was even itching his head and ears.
Took him to the doctor. I truly thought it was chicken pox, etc. and this fabulous medicine, zithromax, caused hives and he now has to take zyrtec and benadryl for 7-10 days. Nothing like taking meds for about a full month. Geesh.
I just feel so bad for him. He's so itchy and he's been such a trooper. Will keep you posted.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

All kinds of illness!!

Well, allergies got the best of Carson. He's got a sinus infection now and is on amoxicillin.
Last night, Maddox didnt' go to sleep (yes, I said didn't fall asleep) until 5 AM, which made for a long night of fussy, screaming, etc. We got him in this morning to the doctor and he's got a left ear infection and is back on zantac 2x a day again. He's still having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. I might get 3 hours max at a time with him sleeping at night. She said he has severe acid reflux, which we knew, but I suppose he's not grown out of it, which they normaly do by 9 months.
SO, needless to say, everyone here is on amoxicillin (kids wise) and we're going on not much sleep. Let's just pray the next few nights will get better wtih the kids once the medicines all kick in.

Friday, August 20, 2010

So much going on!

Where do I start?
Well, last Monday I quit my job at Equity. Long story, but SO glad I'm not there anymore. I am thoroughly enjoying my time home with my boys!
Carson started soccer up and absolutely loves it. He loves his coach and teammates. He's definately into it. He is pretty good too, if I say so myself. He has a serious power kick.
Our house is for sale, so if you know anyone interested, please send them our way. Our website for the house is: we are located near Eastgate Mall!
The reason for selling the house is that Garrett took a position offered to him to move to Columbus and take on opening up a new T.Q.L. up there. He is one of four guys going up to open this office and hopefully to grow to be as big as the one here in Eastgate. He has so many opportunities for advancement up there than here since it's much bigger here.
We are so thrilled for the move, but we will truly miss everyone. We don't need to be up there until January. His job will begin on January 3, so there is time to sell the house.
There is a lot of things going on, but all are bitter sweet!
Maddox will be one year on the 14th of September and Garrett and my 5th anniversary is September 16. There is so much going on in the next month with birthdays, weddings, showers, etc. we are staying busy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Long Overdue Updates

So sorry I have been lacking on the updates lately.
The boys are doing great. Carson begins his first soccer practice tonight. He's so excited. I will have to post pictures definately afterwards.
Maddox is standing up alone just hasn't ventured to take a step yet. He's trying though.
Carson just won't leave poor Maddox alone. He loves him dearly and just wants to always be with him and around him, etc. but it drives Maddox nuts.
We got a new car in the meantime to accommodate the kiddos. We got the Chevy Traverse and the kids and we LOVE it. It has a dvd player and I have never had a car ride so quiet since we have gotten this car. (other than when Carson starts singing along with the dvd's).
We tried to take Maddox off his zantac for a while. It was working and now again, we are going through him projectiling in the evenings. We have cut him down to one time a day and give to him in the evenings as this is the worst time. I assume because that's when he's laying down and the reflux bothers him when he's lying down.
Carson has pink eye in both eyes that has finally gone away but he had it about 3 weeks ago as well. I'm not sure where he's picking it up but it seems to find the poor guy.
More to come soon.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Maddox 9 month check up!

Maddox had his 9 month check up today. He's sure growing like a weed.
He's 20 lbs. 8 oz. and he's 29 1/2 inches long. He's average for his weight and is 90 % for his height. He's really getting big.
He's eating quite a bit. He will eat anything you will put in front of his face. He will pull up on everything and is crawling all over the place. he says "mum mum, bub bub, dada and bye" he will wave to you as well :)
He and Carson are really starting to bond. they love each other but Carson can get a little rough with him at times. He better watch out Maddox will come right after him :)
Anyways, looks like he and Carson are right along the same chart. Carson at 9 months was: 20 lbs. 3 oz. and was 30 inches. SO, they are just about identical in their measurements. Tall and skinny boys. (just like their mom........HAHA)
That's the latest in the Hughes household :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

LONG overdue updates

Well hello! So we have been a bit busy and I do apologize for being horrible at updating this. It's good that I'm at least keeping up with Shutterfly I suppose.
So, what's been going on? What's NOT been going on??? haha. Maddox is down to taking his medicine one time/day and has been for about a month now, so the acid reflux is getting better. He's taking powder formula instead of ready made now which is working great, and helping the wallet as well :)
He's been crawling for about 3 weeks now and he's already pulling himself up and standing up by holding onto anything he can get his little hands on.
As for Carson, he's doing great. Just mouthy. He will tell you just what he wants when he wants it. He is going to begin soccer in the fall along with preschool, so he's got a lot to look forward to.
The two of them are really enjoying each other. They play pretty well together. Maddox has no fear and just goes right after Carson any chance he can get.
Carson is big into "shishing" aka fishing. He went to camp with his granny and Pappy and thoroughly enjoyed "peeing in the mud and shishing" there. He can be assured his mother and father will not be camping with him, so I'm so glad they take him to do these things.
Maddox has 6 teeth right now and is working on another one as we speak.
We have a lot planned for the summer. We have zoo passes, aquarium passes, and sprinkler park passes, so we're going to have something keeping us busy this summer at all times, which is just how Carson likes it.
The boys are getting so big so fast. Maddox has his check-up, 9 mos, next week, so I will be reporting how that goes. Until then, I might get some pictures on here.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shriner's Visit

We took Maddox yesterday for his appt. at Shriner's. It was a month since his last visit. We are SO blessed to announce we don't need to go back there. He checked out great. The doctor said she couldn't even find which hand the burn was on. It's amazing to see how his hand looked to where it is now. He's really pulled through.
It's just imperative that we keep at least a 30 sunscreen on him. Any kind of sun to his hand without it will permanently discolor him until his new skin completely comes through. WHen we're outside you can tell where the burns are more than inside. Must be the lighting. Thanks for all the prayers. We're so blessed to have a great report; although I will miss the nurses, docs, etc. from Shriner's. I have never come in contact with such amazing people who truly loved us and Maddox.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Maddox 6 month pics

Maddox's 6 month pictures by Aunt Bit-Bit!!!!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Maddox is 6 months!

Maddox had his 6 month check-up on the 18th. Whew. Where does the time go? He's getting so big. He's now 16 lbs. 13.6 oz. and is 27 1/4 inches long. He's in the 50% for his weight and 75% for his height. He's still a bit behind in weight I believe because he's not been able to eat much formula.
We have to mix a lot of rice wiht his bottles since he projectiles. He's not allowed to have more than 4 oz. at a time. He's doubled the dose of zantac, and that's helping a lot.
He's eating 2nd foods. He's to eat more foods than formula to supplement becuase he can tolerate the foods, not the formula.
We had a good visit overall.We go back at 9 months.
We're so ready for spring in this house :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Maddox's 2 week update on hand

We took Maddox yesterday to SHriner's for his 2nd week check up on his hand. He is doing very well. They don't think skin grafting is going to happen.
There is one spot that is a little darker and more burned on the back side of his wrist that if it were bigger, they woudl consider grafting, but it's so small, they think it might just look like a scar at the most. Great news.
Carson has been such a big brother thorugh all this. Every time I clean Maddox up, Carson says "Don't hurt my brother mama". He does't like seeing his boo boo as he thinks it hurts him.
We need to go back in one month for another check up.
We need to put lotion on him 2x a day after cleaning him with dial soap and after one month, hopefully, his color shoudl be back to normal. No more red. They did tell us if his hair is reddish at all, it would take a litlte longer than one month to get back to normal.
We need to keep 30 + sunscreen on him anytime we're in the sun. Any kind of sun to his hand or burns will cause permanent discoloration for him, so it's very important that we keep his sunscreen on him daily.
He's doing well and carson is also. Thanks for the prayers. THey have been answered.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Maddox update

Maddox did very well the first night. He slept about 6 hrs. at a time and didnt seem to really have much pain through the night. Although we could give Tylenol with Codeine if needed every 6 hrs. I didn't have to do this the first night.
Last night he still slept, but I noticed he was favoring his left hand. He wasn't holding his taggie as he normally does, just with his right hand. He was a bit more fussy.
When it came to cleaning up his wounds this morning, he's begun bleeding and it's a constant bleeding, which is normal they said at Shriner's.
Today was very painful for him. Everything he did hurt it. He's been crying more today than he has been.
Just feel so bad for him. I wish there was more we could do. We follow up on Friday with Shriner's for another appt. for him to ensure he's not got any kind of infection. We are to keep an eye on infection ourselves as well.
We are praying he gets better. We know he will and it's just going to take some time for him since he is only 5 mos. old.
We just pray for him daily and hope for a speedy recovery as he's in so much pain!
I will keep you updated on everything!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Maddox's accident

For those of you who don't know the story, here it goes:
We were at lunch at the Honey Baked Ham store in Kenwood. Garrett was paying after he dropped the food off at the table. I had Maddox on my lap getting ready to feed him. Carson was sitting beside me.
My soup was in a basket (like a hot dog/hamburger basket, paper type) along with my sandwich. I noticed Maddox was inching to get to it, so I moved it back further on the table.
In the meantime, Carson asked me to open his pop for him. I leaned up very little to open the pop when Maddox started screaming.
He had grabbed onto the basket and pulled it down enough to where some of the soup spilled onto his hand.
Instantly his skin began peeling back. We were PANICKED. Garrett called 9-1-1 while I had his hand in water (as paramedics told us to do till they got there). They rushed him to Children's. Children's detemined he had 2nd degree burns around the top of his left hand (not his fingers...thank GOD he's got feeling, etc. in his hands/fingers, etc.) and around his wrist where his long sleeve shirt caught the majority of soup from crawling further up his arms, so his wrists had large bubbles.
Garrett took Carson in the car to Children's (he was only about 5 min. behind them......he was QUICK)
In the ambulance they were able to get gauze around him while he was screaming the ENTIRE time.(of course). I held the oxygen mask near his face, not around him, to calm him.
Children's referred us to Shriner's Hospital. They are the most amazing hospital around. I loved every bit of our experience there. They determined 2nd degree burns throughout as well. There is one part around his wrist that is a tad bit white, but not too bad.
They cleaned him up very good and showed us how to as well. We have to clean him up and put medicine on him and wrap with gauze 2x a day right now.
We have to go to clinicals there on Friday where they will see how well he's healing. This is when they will determine if he will need skin graphing done. They truly don't think he's going to need any of that or surgery based on what they saw. But won't know till Friday.
We will determine from there how much longer he will need to be wrapped up.Maddox is 5 1/2 months, so you can only imagine what he's been going through. For those who showed up at the hospital and those who prayed throughout the entire thing, thank you. He's really recovering okay. He needs to take tylenol with codeine 1/2 hr. prior to his cleanings because of the pain it causes.

He slept very well his first night. Got up at 1:30 and 6:45, and no crying in the meantime. We are praying for quick recovery for our little guy and we will need you all to help out as well. The picture Garrett took on his phone is attached of the top of his hand. It was much more red than the pic shows.I just burst into tears at Children's when the nurse unwrapped the gauze. It was so devastating to watch. You never want your children to be in pain. It was aweful.
From the time we got to the hospital he was all smiles. He hadn't had medicine, bottle...nothing. Everyone was wondering how he was so happy with what had just happened. He's in good spirits.

Please just pray for him. He's such a trooper through everything and we hope he stays this way.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Illnesses this past week

Maddox had his 2nd ear infection. He was put on Amoxicilin on Monday and on Friday wasnt' any better. We took him back to the doc. who said his ears were worse. Great huh? So, now he's on omnicef. That seems to work wonders for him.
Carson had a fever last week too, but that has broken and he's doing much better.
Maddox is rolling over and blowing bubbles.
He has cut BOTH of his bottom teeth. I can't even believe it. He's 21 weeks today. They grow up so fast.
I will attach pics when we get the virus off our computer at home. I'm working on this here at work with no pictures on this computer.
Everyone is finally better this week. After many sleepless nights this past week, it's going to be very nice to get back on track again.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

They're growing up!

I have to say my boys are really growing up so fast. Carson's officially truly potty trained. He doesn't like to wear his "big boy underwear" to bed, only during the day....great huh? He doesn't wear pull-ups at all anymore, he's even going through the night without any accidents. We have him officially broken! whew! finally!
Maddox is really getting big. He doesn't like to sit much, he would much rather stand. We got him the bumbo seat and he's sitting for about 2 seconds and then he arches his back out to straighten himself out, and he just about comes out of it. That lasted all of 2 weeks for us. He's very strong and is steady when he's holding our hands to stand up.
Carson is just full of all kinds of sayings these days. It's something new everyday.
We're so blessed with these boys. I can't even imagine my life without them or Garrett in it! Sure would be dull, let me tell you!
More to come!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Maddox is 4 months old!

Today Maddox is 4 months old. He had his check-up today and he's doing very well! He's 14 lbs. 2 1/2 oz. and is 25 3/4 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for height and he's still a slight amount underweight for his height. She doesn't want us to give him any more than 5 oz. of formula at one time. he's been taking rice in his bottles since 2 weeks old for his acid reflux, it keeps the food down and doesn't come back up when it's thicker. So, instead of upping his bottles, which she believes will make him throw up, she wants us to begin introducing foods. Fruits and veggies for now. So, we're going to attempt some food on a spoon if he can do it. Just a few bites a day to try to make up for the formula he wont' be getting. Something to keep him full. He's doing very well. he's grabbing his feet, many facials, and is sleeping about 9-11 hours each night. He's just wonderful.
Carson has been just a joy these days too. I think it's terrible 3's. Although, he has gone for 2 full nights and 2 full days in "big boy underwear" so there are some congrats around here for him! Daddy took him to get a toy for doing so well. he's not even wearing pull ups at night at all. So he's officially going to help us save some diaper money. Whew. His vocabulary is something else. He likes to say "yesternight" and "sausage hamburgers"'s interesting trying to figure out his language. We have more fun with our kiddos. Both are wonderful and we're so blessed with our healthy baby boys!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holidays and More

We had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I haven't posted too much since I have officially taken over someone's full time job since they laid her off. I am currently doing a desk job and a field job. I don't know if I'm coming or going during the week, but i'm happy to just have a job.
The boys are doing well. Maddox will be 4 months old on the 14th, and he's got his check-up on Thursday where I will post how big he's getting.
They have doubled his dose of his medicine and seems to really be helping him out a lot. It makes a huge difference for him.
We are thinking Maddox might get car sick or something since he cries everytime we get in the car and drive. He's just fine when we're out of the car, but we can't figure what his problem is when driving. Carson loves the car but not Maddox.
Carson's really been something else.He's so full of energy. I am telling you, it's terrible 3's though. He's something else. The temper, the "no" we get, etc. is just a little dose of our days here with him.
He's great with Maddox though, they just love each other.