Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Carson's 3 year check-up

Carson had his 3 year check-up today! He is 38 1/4 inches. He's in the 75th percentile for his height. And he's 32 lbs. She said he's in between 50-75 percentile for that!
He's doing well. He didn't need any required shots today but I went ahead and got him the Seasonal flu and H1N1 shot today. I took advantage of it as well since Dr. Saluke said I'm "high risk" because of Maddox being under 6 months old.
Other than all that fun stuff, he checked out well. We dont' go again until he's 4.....let's not talk about it....it will be here before we know it....I'm not looking forward to the kiddos growing up so fast. I kinda like his age right now!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maddox's turn!

So of course one child can't get sick without them all getting sick, right? Maddox now has an ear infection in his left ear. (first one he's had.) Not sure how we went 3 years with Carson not having one ear infection to having Maddox with one at almost 3 months old.
He's now on amoxicilin as well. He projectiled all his medicine up first dose, so that was great. Had to do a full change and bath prior to going to work. My morning this morning started at 1:15 AM since he was up every 1/2 hour crying, wanting to be held and is running a fever around 100-101.
Carson's finally getting better but is still on his medicine (which he despises).
Hopefully no more co-pays and doctor visits for us. Have I mentioned we have spent $160 in one week in doctor visits? Wow.
Will keep you all posted but the little man is down and out right now.
On a positive note, Maddox is up to 12 lbs. 6 oz. now. He's exactly 4 lbs. more than when he was born. He's getting some rolls finally :) YAY!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Carson's first big illness

For about one week Carson had runny nose, congestion and 102 fever. After day 3, I called the doctor. On Wednesday, we took him in. They said it was just a virus, and if it contined through to Friday they would call in an antibiotic. Well, Thursday rolls around and he hadn't peed in 27 hours.....so, the nurse on call insisted we go to Children's ER downtown...so we head downtown.
Wait for 3 hours to get in the room(were there 5 hrs. total) - took urine sample, did ultrasound, etc. and while we were there he peed....woohoo. But we left with absolutely nothing wrong with him.
Friday comes around and Carson's getting sick, not eating anything or even drinking for that matter....wonderful huh? So, we end up back at the doctor's office. He has a double ear infection. Wonderful. This is truly the very first time he's ever had an ear infection or even needed medication for something. He's a very healthy little guy.
So this is where we stand right now. Just praying Maddox can stay well! he's doing great so far.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Back to work

YUCK. I'm back to work. I have to say I was pretty much ready to get back to get out of Barney land. Sure miss the boys when I'm working but makes me really appreciate them when I do see them. Maddox is only getting up one time through the night. I have early mornings now. I have a routine. I get up at 5:15, do my 15 min. workout tape (that's all the time I have), feed maddox whenever he gets up, eat breakfast, drink my coffee, get all ready and out the door at 7:10 to be at work at 8:00.
Due to traffic, I'm lucky to get home at 6 PM. So this leaves me with just a few hours in the evening to spend with the kiddos and my hubby. I wouldn't change my crazy life for anything.
Other than a total adjustment, I'm doing well. Maddox is welll. Carson adores Maddox.
Garrett's a huge help.
We got the xmas tree up too. We've gone to festival of lights as well. A lot of things goin on and I have tons of pics to post. I will put them all on shutterfly for you all to check out!