Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Maddox at 2 weeks :)

Maddox is officially 2 weeks old! We have had some feeding trouble though. Maddox was first on powder similac, which caused severe diaper rash and vomit. We then switched him to similac advance ready made formula, and seemed to be okay, but the vomit was still there. Diaper rash was gone, so we thought all was well.....
Yesterday, he was 2 weeks old, and this last week we had noticed he was projectile vomiting about every other feeding....and we're talking clear across the room vomit. Very severe. I called the doctor yesterday who told me to try to put rice in his bottles....I did that and sure enough first bottle came right across the room! UGH!
So, I called the doctor back again. They recommended coming in to see him. I took him in and they weighed him. He was 8 lbs. 5 oz. He should be at his birth weight at one week and then go up from there, he's below his birth weight by one once. this caused serious concern with the doctor.
He made us an appointment to go straight to Children's to get an upper GI done on him. The weight loss was a huge concern. We did go there and they found everything with his intestines were okay. They did find the muscle that goes from his esophogus to his small intestine was larger than normal, which could be causing the vomit. This is something called pyloric stenosis. This doesn't come about until they are about 3 weeks old, so they can't test for it until next week via ultrasound.
I have an appt. on thursday for him to check his weight and see how he is. If it's the same or down, we have to get an ultrasound next week and he will most likely have to have surgery and be in the hospital for 2 days....not something we are hoping for.
They did switch his formula to soy, but even doing this, he's vomiting severely. I am doing at least one load of laundry each day of just his clothes. It's everywhere.
We're feeling so bad for the little guy, feel like he can't eat anything and what he does eat doesn't go down properly. We feel helpless.
Please keep us in your prayers and Maddox that everything goes well for him. I will keep this updated!

Monday, September 14, 2009

He's here

After being in and out of the hospital the last 2 weeks with "false alarms", he's finally here! Maddox came today at 3:02 PM and I was 37 weeks along. He was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. He's gorgeous. Looks just like Carson did when he was a baby.
He's got extra fluid in his testicles, which they are going to monitor, but other than that, he's healthy and is just perfect. We are so blessed.
My labor was so easy. I came in at 8:30 AM at 5 CM dilated, by 10:30 I had the epidural, 11:30 I was 7 cm, 12:30 I was 10 CM and ready to roll. Took me 5 pushes and bam, he was here.
So different than the first. They always say the second is easier, and they weren't kidding. He was so much easier, but I was having contractions regularly for 2 weeks, so that helped progressing as I was at home.
He's here and Carson can't be a better big brother so far he's hugging and kissing him and is being wonderful.
We are so blessed and we will have pictures shortly!

Friday, September 4, 2009

He's ready!!

I am officially 36 weeks today. The last couple days have been a little rough. Wednesday night, the 2nd, we went to the hospital. My contractions were every 4-7 minutes when they hooked me up on the machine. I was 2 cm. dilated at the time I got there.
I walked the halls for one hour and they hooked me back up on the machine and I was having regular contractions at 4 minutes and had dilated to 2 1/2-3 cm. at this time.
They ended up sending me home and said my contractions weren't intense enough and there wasnt' much change.
So, on thursday I took off work as I had contractions through the night adn wasn't feeling well.
I timed contractions again and they were 2 - 2 1/2 min. apart. I called the doctor who said to go to the office "now".....
I went in and sure enough, I was at 3 cm. They said "not much has changed" so they sent me home again.
So, they want you to call when they are 5 min. apart, so i monitor for hours and call and then get sent back home.
I have decided to just hold off on calling again until i can't stand it, but at this point I'm getting used to the contractions.
I think they are sending me home since I'm 4 weeks from my due date.
I do know they will not stop labor if you are after 35 weeks, so we're in a waiting game right now. Just keep us all in your prayers. Little Maddox is so ready to get here he can't stand it.
thanks for all the prayers

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Another check-up

I went in today for another check-up. I had just been there on Thursday and was not expecting much to have gone on since then.
Well, I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.....the doctor says his head is "right there". he told me I could be dilated this way for weeks or I could have contractions and he could come sooner.
I was shocked to hear this news since Carson took me 5 hrs. of walking to get 1/2 cm dilated.....very different. I think Maddox is ready to come out.
Next visit is next Thursday at 9 AM. Let's hope we make it till then!