Friday, October 30, 2009

Busy month!

Maddox is over 6 weeks old now. he's doing soo much better. He's getting so big now that the medicine is working. He's finally out of his newborn clothes and into 0-3 month clothes. (Carson begain in 3-6 mos.)
He's got the facials going on. He smiles and coos and frowns. Mr. personality. I must say he's a good baby at night too. He's sleeping at least 4 hrs. at a time. He slept 8 hrs. 2 different nights adn then 6 hrs. last night, gave him pacifier and slept another 4 hrs. He's doing great.
Carson's such a big brother too. he's too much help. He wants to do everything but doesn't know his boundaries. He's been a bit testy with Garrett and I, but that's expected. On the very plus side, he's about potty trained. He's doing great with that.
We're so blessed with our children and we appreciate everything everyone's done for us since Maddox has been in our lives. We love you all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

One month check up

We took Maddox today for his one month check up and shots. Carson got his flu mist while we were there. He did much better than we were expecting him to do.
Maddox is now 9 lbs. 2 oz.....up 12 oz. from 10 days ago...woohoo. Doctor is very pleased. He's average for his height of 21 1/2 inches (20 1/2 when born) and he's below average for his weight (which we kinda figured since he lost so much to begin with).
She said we can put some rice in his bottles to keep from any spit-up. he's not doing a whole lot of projectile at all anymore which is wonderful. baby zantac is working great.
She mentioned we can take him down to one dose of medicine a day as opposed to 2 just to see if he can tolerate it. She said baby's can grow out of the reflux, but if not, she said it can take up to 9 mos. to get him off of it. Either way, it's working and we're so blessed he's so healthy now.
That's all the updates. We go back in one month.

Monday, October 5, 2009

3 weeks today :)

Maddox had to have a weight check again this morning. It has been 4 days since his last visit. He's up to 8 lbs. 7 oz.....up from 8 lbs. 2 oz. on thursday. Baby zantac must be doing the trick. We have a one month check up next week where he will get a shot and he will need to get weighed again. I sure can't believe he's already going to be one month old next week. Where does the time go? We're so thankful he's gaining weight!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weight check - Thursday, October 1

So we went on Monday to take Maddox to Children's for the upper GI which showed his intestines were fine. We then had to do a follow up on thursday for his weight. I had charted everything from the feedings, amount of food taken, when he's vomiting, when he's peeing and pooping to take to the doctor.
She said on thursday everything was good with his feedings, that he's getting what he should. He had still been vomiting about 1-2 times/day though. His weight on Monday was 8 lbs. 5 oz. And when we went on Thursday, his weight went down to 8 lbs. 2 oz. this of course caused a huge red flag to the doctors. We again went to Children's for an ultrasound to check for the pyloric muscle, which they determined was fine as well (if this was larger than normal, they would have had to do surgery right then) thank goodness that was fine.
now they have put him on baby zantac. We have been trying that since Thursday and we have still been having trouble with the vomit. We have a follow up appointment on Monday at 9:30 AM to check his weight once again. If it's still going down, there may be further testing. As of right now though, we're trying everything we can.
Doctors don't think it's truly acid reflux or his formula since he's not getting sick after each feeding. Poor guy is always hungry it seems like since all he takes in seems to come right back out.
We're just hoping and praying this is something that will go away soon. In the meantime, he's sleeping in his pumpkin seat upright in our room until we can figure out what's wrong with him and we can trust him to be alone in his room at night.