Friday, September 17, 2010

Maddox's 1 year check up

Mr. Maddox had his check up for 1 year. He's getting very big!! He's 30 inches long and is 23 3/4 lbs. He's just above average for his weight and between 50-75% for his height. He has a double ear infection. Great huh? We thought we just got through with the left ear infection a week ago. Sometimes I wish they would just put tubes in this baby. Feel like he's always getting medicine for these ear infections. Poor baby hasn't slept well in months seems like.
He checked out very well. He's walking all over the place and he's talking a whole lot. He says, "baba, bub bub(Carson), dada, mama, aunt bev" He likes to just hear his voice.
Carson is doing well too. He's a typical mouthy 3 year old. He will tell you how he wants everything and it BETTER be done his way. He's a lot of work right now. Haha.
Everything is going well here. We are so ready for the fall to go to some pumpkin festivals and partake in some of the activities.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh my......

The amoxicillin didn't work on Carson, so on day 8, they put him on zithromax. THis morning would have been day 3 on this medicine. Carson started yesterday with what I thought was some small bug bites on his legs/arms.
THis morning when he got up, he had a full out rash/bumps all over his entire body. He was even itching his head and ears.
Took him to the doctor. I truly thought it was chicken pox, etc. and this fabulous medicine, zithromax, caused hives and he now has to take zyrtec and benadryl for 7-10 days. Nothing like taking meds for about a full month. Geesh.
I just feel so bad for him. He's so itchy and he's been such a trooper. Will keep you posted.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

All kinds of illness!!

Well, allergies got the best of Carson. He's got a sinus infection now and is on amoxicillin.
Last night, Maddox didnt' go to sleep (yes, I said didn't fall asleep) until 5 AM, which made for a long night of fussy, screaming, etc. We got him in this morning to the doctor and he's got a left ear infection and is back on zantac 2x a day again. He's still having a lot of trouble sleeping through the night. I might get 3 hours max at a time with him sleeping at night. She said he has severe acid reflux, which we knew, but I suppose he's not grown out of it, which they normaly do by 9 months.
SO, needless to say, everyone here is on amoxicillin (kids wise) and we're going on not much sleep. Let's just pray the next few nights will get better wtih the kids once the medicines all kick in.